Pacific Naturopathic - Palo Alto, California

About Pacific Naturopathic

Clinic Front DeskAn established history of service…

The doctors, affiliates, and staff at Pacific Naturopathic have provided naturopathic and integrated medicine to the San Francisco Bay Area community for over 15 years. Drs. Connie and Marcel Hernandez, Pacific Naturopathic founders, have also operated a satellite clinic and healing retreat center in Hawaii for 9 years (

Therapies personalized for your unique needs…

As licensed naturopathic doctors, Drs. Connie and Marcel offer therapies to help you prevent disease and achieve the vibrant health that is your birthright. Our strategy is to encourage your body’s innate healing potential through the use of therapies such as medical nutrition, botanical medicine, energetic medicine, counseling and lifestyle modification.

An experienced, integrated team to serve you…

Drs. Connie and Marcel work closely with internist and transformational medicine practitioner Dr. Shanti Rubenstone M.D., intuitive healer Elijah Free,  and affiliated practitioners in the offices of Pacific Naturopathic. As your health team, we are committed to assisting you in making the wisest choices from the fields of conventional medicine and alternative and complementary medicine.

Clinic EntranceAt Pacific Naturopathic, we offer evidence-based, integrated approaches to most acute and chronic health concerns. Bone health, breast health, hormonal balance, autoimmunity, cancer, inflammation, digestion, and metabolic cleansing are particular areas of interest. To encourage patient participation, we offer both guided self-help protocols and comprehensive doctor assisted protocols.

Our patients tell us they particularly appreciate our doctors, practitioners, and staff for our caring attitudes and commitment to service.

Think Prevention. Experience well-being.

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Pacific Naturopathic - Palo Alto, California
1580 W. El Camino Real, Suite 7  -  Mountain View, CA 94040
Voice: 650-961-1660 Fax: 650-426-3935

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