Pacific Naturopathic - Palo Alto, California

Hawaii Retreat Center

A place to find peace, health and rejuvenation ...

Pacific Naturopathic Retreat CenterOrganic GardenPacific Naturopathic Retreat Center is located on the lush Hamakua Coast on the Big Island of Hawaii. Our facilities include a natural health center, a private spa for nature cure and water cure, tropical healing herb gardens, organic vegetable gardens and orchards.

The grounds are peaceful and meditative. In addition to the herbs and veggies, you will find on the retreat’s property a forest filled with wild fruit and nut trees, a Peace Pole meditation garden, a Kwan Yin forest garden with over 30 species of shade loving plants, young and mature orchards with familiar and exotic tropical fruits, a grove of coconut palms, and a shade house in which we grow a variety of edible and landscaping plants used on the grounds.

Pacific Naturopathic Retreat CenterThe healing focus at the Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center is on cleansing and rejuvenation. Retreat CenterNaturopathic therapies offered include infrared sauna, hot and cold tubs, hydrotherapy, therapeutic nutrition, botanical medicine, flower essences, homeopathy, counseling, yoga, massage and other body work and bioenergetic therapy. Retreat Center Peace Garden - Peace Pole

Our patients and guests have told us that their visits have been "magical" and "life-transforming," and that they have experienced profound changes as they enjoy the interplay of the earth, air, wind, fire, and ether elements that are the natural delights of Hawaiian healing environments.  

We serve the local population, as well as visitors to the island seeking healing and rejuvenation. Recommendations available for off site lodging. Occasional overnight lodging is available for spa guests.

To explore the possibilities for personal healing retreats and naturopathic services, please visit:

For appointments or further information phone
Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center at 808-775-1505.

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Pacific Naturopathic - Palo Alto, California
1580 W. El Camino Real, Suite 7  -  Mountain View, CA 94040
Voice: 650-961-1660 Fax: 650-426-3935

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