Pacific Naturopathic - Palo Alto, California

Meet our Doctors & Healers

Doctors and healers at Pacific Naturopathic are highly trained, knowledgeable and extremely effective in their work.

Our naturopathic doctors are Bastyr graduates, licensed by the state of California. Our medical doctor is Stanford trained and board certified in internal medicine. Our intuitive healer has developed uniquely powerful structural healing techniques and herbal formulations. Together, we have at least 80 years experience working in medicine and wellness!

You may schedule with any associate by calling our front desk at 650-961-1660.
Dr. Connie Hernandez - Click here for more information

Dr. Connie Hernandez N.D.

  • General Naturopathic Medicine
  • Women’s Health Care
  • Adjunctive Cancer Care
  • Flower Essence Therapy
  • Spiritual Counseling
Dr. Marcel Hernandez - click here for more information

Dr. Marcel Hernandez N.D.

  • General Naturopathic Medicine
  • Adjunctive Cancer Care
  • Men’s Health
  • Lifestyle Counseling
  • Digestive Issues
Dr. Shanti Rubenstone - click here for more information

Dr. Shanti Rubenstone M.D.

  • Transformational Medicine
  • Intuitive Diagnostics
  • Healing of Body, Mind, and Soul
Jane Hernandez - Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and EFT Practitioner  Jane Hernandez, CCHT
(Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and EFT Practitioner)
  • Energy Healing
  • Hypnotherapy
  • EFT (Tapping)
  • Matrix Reimprinting
  • Reiki
For appointments, please contact our front desk at 650-961-1660.

Dr. Connie Hernandez, N.D. | Dr. Marcel Hernandez N.D.
Benjamin Alter, ND | Brad Beldner | Jane Hernandez, CCHT

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Pacific Naturopathic - Palo Alto, California
1580 W. El Camino Real, Suite 7  -  Mountain View, CA 94040
Voice: 650-961-1660 Fax: 650-426-3935

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