Pacific Naturopathic - Palo Alto, California

Welcome to Pacific Naturopathic

Naturpathic MedicineBe Informed. Be Empowered. Realize Wellness.
Pacific Naturopathic

If you are looking for an experienced, successful holistic medical practitioner, you have landed in the right place. We know how to assist you. Pacific Naturopathic is the longest-established naturopathic medicine practice on the San Francisco Peninsula, having served since 1993. Experience counts plenty in the medical field.

Doctor of the Future - EdisonYour patient experience at Pacific Naturopathic is unique and transformational. Feel welcomed.

Cold, impersonal, generic medicine has no place here. Soothing colors, a lovely environment and a warm and caring staff set the mood for your healing. The moment you enter into our office, you’ll feel welcomed into our clinic family. Relax, have a cup of tea, and know that you are in good hands.

You are part of our extended family. Our patients tell us they appreciate the “country doctor” relationship they have with us. They also love they the way we integrate the holistic use of conventional medicine, with all its benefits of science and technology, with evidence-based traditional medicine. 

EchinaceaYour health and well-being are our number one priority. We are not exclusively tied into one medical system. Our naturopathic approach encompasses the most appropriate forms of medicine that will be most efficacious for your specific condition. Our naturopathic doctors and associated healers use herbs, homeopathy, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and naturally-derived prescriptive medicines as necessary, in order to provide the best care possible.  We believe all forms of medicine have their place and value.

You are seen. We know your name. You are a person, not a disease. We spend time with you and tune in to your healthconcerns and the forces that shape your life. There are no five-minute visits at Pacific Naturopathic. You receive the time and personalized health care you need to achieve your health goals.

Golden MilkYou are heard. We listen to you. It’s your story and your health. You are more than a compendium of lab results. Profound and lasting health is not written on a prescription pad.

We make sure you truly understand. We believe an informed patient makes better choices about health and wellness. 

We are partners. You are an active participant in creating freedom from illness and developing total, vibrant well-being.  We follow the path together.

As holistically focused family medicine practitioners,
we help you address a wide variety of conditions, including:

Women’s Health

Breast Thermography
Preventive Medicine
Family planning
Bio-Identical Hormones
Hormonal Management
Lab services (blood work)
Cancer Co-Management

Nutritional Assessment
Neurotransmitter Rebalancing
Weight Management
Men’s Health
Preventive Medicine
Lab services (blood work)
Prostate related issues
Hormonal Management
Cancer Co-Management
Nutritional Assessment
Neurotransmitter Rebalancing
Weight Management
Anonymous STD Testing
Medical Issues
Acid Reflux
Acute & Chronic Sinusitis
Adrenal Fatigue
Attention Deficit Disorder
Autoimmune Disease
Back, Neck & Joint Pain
Birth Control Counseling
Bronchitis, Acute and Chronic
Cardiovascular Issues
Celiac Disease
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Recurring Infections
Colds and Flu
Crohn’s Disease
Digestive Disturbances
Fertility Awareness
Fibrocystic Breast Disease
Food Sensitivities
Gas and bloating
GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
Heart Disease
High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol
Hormone Imbalances
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Intestinal Dysbiosis
Menstrual Irregularities
Metabolic Syndrome
Pain (Chronic and Acute)
PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
PMS and Menopause
Prostate Disorders
Respiratory Issues
Restless leg syndrome
Seasonal Effective Disorder
Thyroid Conditions
Ulcerative colitis
Relapse Prevention
Weight Issues
Health Programs
Weight Loss
Aging Gracefully
Stress Reduction
Digestive Vitality
Pain Elimination
Mental Clarity
Healthy Heart
Natural Beauty
Grief Counseling
Allergy freedom
FIR Sauna - 10 reasons IV Vitamin Therapies

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Pacific Naturopathic - Palo Alto, California
1580 W. El Camino Real, Suite 7  -  Mountain View, CA 94040
Voice: 650-961-1660 Fax: 650-426-3935

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